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We produce food for your health
La Verne's Most ACCLAIMED Korean Restaurant
SamGye Tang(삼계탕)
Tender whole young chicken stuffed with ginseng, jujubes,sweet rice, and whole garlic cloves and simmered until tender. The combination of chicken and ginseng creates a complex yet harmonious flavor. A classic summertime dish that revitalizes the body and soul.
参鸡汤 在小鸡的腹中填入人参、大枣、栗子、糯米、蒜头等,经长时间熬煮而成。鸡肉和人参融合在一起,是传统的夏季保健食品。
サムゲタン 若鶏に高麗人参や、なつめ、栗、もち米、にんにくなどを詰めてじっくり煮込んだ スープ。鶏肉と高麗人参が抜群の調和を見せる、伝統的な夏のスタミナ料理。
Rice topped with sautéed beef and a variety of colorful vegetables. Mixed with spicy gochujang sauce and sesame oil. 8.95
拌饭 米饭中加入炒肉丝、各种小菜和,用辣椒酱或酱油搅拌即可。适当加入应季食材和麻油将更加美味
ビビンバ ご飯に炒めた肉や数種類のナムルをのせ、コミョンを飾りつけたものにコチュジャン を混ぜて食べる。旬の材料とごま油を加えるといっそう風味が増す。
Short-rib Korean BBQ
Soon-tofu Soup

Medium Light Roast
Ethiopia, brazil, sumatra blended
The instinct of the coffee is temptation. 커피의 본능은 유혹
Strong aroma is sweeter than wine, 강한 향기는 와인보다 달콤하며
Soft taste is more rapturous than a kiss. 부드러운 맛은 키스보다 황홀하다.
Black as the devil, 악마처럼 검고
hot as hell, 지옥처럼 뜨거우며
pure as an angel, 천사처럼 순수하고
sweet as love. 사랑처럼 달콤하다.
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Meet The Spooners Crew






Now Serving Draft Beer
Friends are made in beer and proved in tears.
친구는 술로 맺어지나, 눈물로 증명된다.